Dance: Nights Like This Music: Nights Like This - Steve Azar [Heartbreak Town] Choreographed by: Brett Jenkins,; 6/2004 Description: 2 wall, 40 count, Upper-Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: 1 tag, 1 restart Start: Feet together, weight on left foot Starts after an 8 count intro on the word ‘Moonlight’. * 1-8: Rock, recover-tgthr, rock, recover-tgthr, hips x2, 1/4R-1/2R-1/2R-1/2R: 1-2& Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, step RIGHT together, 3-4& Rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, replace weight onto RIGHT, step LEFT together 5-6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side & sway hips RIGHT, sway hips LEFT, 7&8& Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, * 9-16: Rock, recover, step-1/4R-behind-point, cross-1/4L & hitch-step-1/2R, shuffle back-ball-1/4L: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, 3&4& Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT behind LEFT, touch LEFT toe to LEFT side, 5&6& Cross LEFT over RIGHT, hitch RIGHT & 1/4 turn LEFT, step RIGHT forward, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, 7&8& Shuffle back (R,L,R), make 1/4 turn LEFT & step LEFT to LEFT side, * 17-24: Rock, recover-tgthr, rock, recover-tgthr, back, back, coaster-tgthr: 1-2& Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, step RIGHT together, 3-4& Rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, replace weight onto RIGHT, step LEFT together, 5-6 Step RIGHT back & sweep LEFT back, step LEFT back & sweep RIGHT back, 7&8& Step RIGHT back, step LEFT together, step RIGHT forward, step LEFT together, * 25-32: Back, ball-tgthr, back, ball-tgthr, rock, recover-1/2L, back, 1/2R-step: 1-2& Step RIGHT back to RIGHT diagonal, drag LEFT back & step onto LEFT, step RIGHT together, 3-4& Step LEFT back to LEFT diagonal, drag RIGHT back & step onto RIGHT, step LEFT together, *** 5-6& Rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back, 7&8& Step LEFT back, hold, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, step LEFT forward, * 33-40: Rock, recover-tgthr, rock, recover-tgthr, rock, recover-1/2R, shuffle fwd-tap: 1-2& Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, step RIGHT together, 3-4& Rock/step LEFT forward, replace weight onto RIGHT, step LEFT together, 5-6& Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, 7&8& Shuffle forward (L,R,L), touch RIGHT beside LEFT. Repeat ****** Tag: At the end of the 2nd wall add the following counts: --- 1-2 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side & sway hips RIGHT, sway hips LEFT, 3&4& Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT together. Restart: During the 5th wall dance up to beat 28 (***) and restart dance. ------- Permission is given for dance to be freely copied and distributed, on the basis the dance is not changed in any way. Brett Jenkins Ph: 0402 623 787 Formatted: 26th June, 2004.