Love Has Gone

Choreographer by       : Li (Michelle), Malaysia
Music                          :
此情永不留 - 费玉清 (Ci Qing Yong Bu Liu by Fei Yu Qing)
Descriptions                : 64 count – 4 wall – Improver line dance

Intro: 32 counts starting on vocal 

 (S1)                                         Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Back, Hitch (Slight Diagonal)
1-4                                          Touch R toe to R side, drop R heel, cross touch L toe over R, drop L heel
5-8                                          Rock forward R, recover L, rock back R, hitch L 

(S2)                                         Side, Together, Side, Point, Forward, Point, Back, Together
1 -4                                        Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side, point R to R
5-8                                        Step R forward, point L to L, step L back, step R beside L               

(S3)                                         Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Back, Hitch (Slight Diagonal)
1- 4                                        Touch L toe to L side, drop L heel, cross touch R toe over L, drop R heel
5-8                                          Rock forward L, recover R, rock back L, hitch R 

(S4)                                         Side, Together, Side, Point, Forward, Point, Back, Together
1- 4                                         Step R to R side, step L beside R,
step R to R side, point L to L 
5 -8                                         Step L forward, point R to R, step R back, step L beside R
                                                 * (After Tag then continue the dance from (S5) Again)

(S5)                                         Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn L, Forward, Hold, Step, Half Turn L, Hold      
1 -4                                        Step R forward, pivot 1/2 turn L, step R forward, hold                       (6)
5-8                                          Step L forward, recover R, ½ turn L Step L forward, hold                 (12) 

(S6)                                         Progressive Box Step With Touch
1- 4                                        Step R side, step L together R, step R forward, touch L beside R
5-8                                          Step L side, step R together L, step L forward, touch R beside L 

(S7)                                         Forward Coaster, Hold, On Spot Forward, Pivot ¼, Cross, Hold  
1-4                                          Step R forward, close L beside R, step R back, hold
5-8                                          On Spot step L forward, pivot ¼ turn R, cross L over R, hold            (3) 

(S8)                                        Side Mambo, Hold X 2
1- 4                                         Rock R to R side, recover L, step R beside L, hold
5-8                                          Rock L to L side, recover R, step L beside R, hold                              (3)


Tag (4 counts)         During Wall 2 [facing 3 o'clock] & Wall 5 [facing 12 o'clock] after 32 counts (S1-S4) Forward, Together, Back, Together

 1 -4                                        Step R forward, step L together R, step R back, step L together R 
                                                 *Then continue the dance from (S5) Again!

Ending                                 Wall 6 [facing 3 o'clock]

Dance 10 counts (Steps 1-10 only),  ¼ Turn L step L forward, point R to R
                Step R forward, point L to L, step L back, touch R toe in front L

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