Dance: Bayou City Twister Song: Dance Artist: Twister Alley Album: Twister Alley Choreography & copyright: Alfred Watkins, Level: Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 32 Bridge/restart: no Dance Beat: 140 b/m Start: Feet together, weight on left foot What follows is the original choreography. Some of the many variations are listed at the end. * Heel, together, heel, together, heel, touch, 1/2 pivot, hook: 1- 2 Touch RIGHT heel forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT, 3- 4 Touch LEFT heel forward, step LEFT beside RIGHT, 5- 6 Touch RIGHT heel forward, touch RIGHT toe back, 7- 8 Make 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight stays on LEFT), hook RIGHT over LEFT, * Shuffle fwd, rock step, shuffle back, 1/2 turn, step down: 9&10 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), 11-12 Rock LEFT foot forward, step RIGHT back, 13&14 Shuffle back (L,R,L), 15-16 Swing RIGHT foot to RIGHT & then behind while rising up on toes & making 1/2 pivot turn, drop heels down, * Vine & 1/4 turn, jump, jump & cross, 1/2 unwind, touch back: 17-20 Step RIGHT to RIGHT, cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT, 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT beside RIGHT, 21-22 Jump feet apart, jump feet together, crossing RIGHT over LEFT, 23-24 Make 1/2 unwind turn LEFT (weight on RIGHT), touch LEFT toe back, * Shuffle forward, step, 1/2 pivot, jazz-box, 1/2 pivot & clap: 25&26 Shuffle forward (L,R,L), 27-28 Step RIGHT forward, make 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, 29-30 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, 31-32 Step RIGHT to RIGHT, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (feet together) & clap. Repeat ****** 1. One or two-foot stomp at count 16 2. On count 15-16: Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, stomp LEFT together & clap 3. 5/4 RIGHT turning vine for counts 17-20 4. Stomp together on count 20 5. Hitch instead of touchback at count 24 6. On count 28-32: Rock RIGHT to RIGHT, replace weight onto LEFT, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, stomp LEFT together 7. Turn and a half at count 32 8. Hat wearers raise them with both hands at the split jump (count 21) and replace them on count 22. The version done down here includes 2 and 6. Transcribed: David Powell, 25th September, 2001.