Dance: Bad Music: Bad Bad Leroy Brown - Jim Croce [Jim Croce Collection], fast! Choreography & copyright: Warren Mitchell; 1/2003 Level: Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 32 Bridge/restart: no Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * Sailor, sailor, behind, 1/4, step, 1/4 pivot: 1& 2 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side (on &), step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 3& 4 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), step LEFT to LEFT side, 5- 6 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/4 turn LEFT, 7- 8 Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 paddle turn to LEFT (weight on LEFT), * Sailor, sailor, behind, 1/4, rock, recover: 9&10 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side (on &), step RIGHT to RIGHT side 11&12 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), step LEFT to LEFT side, 13-14 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/4 turn LEFT, 15-16 Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight on LEFT, * Ball-recover, step, rock, recover, ball-recover, step, kick-ball-change: &17-18 Rock/step RIGHT back (on &), replace weight on LEFT, step RIGHT forward, 19-20 Rock/step LEFT forward, replace weight on RIGHT, &21-22 Rock/step LEFT back (on &), replace weight on RIGHT, step LEFT forward, 23&24 Kick RIGHT forward, step RIGHT ball together (on &), step LEFT together, * Rock, recover, 1/2, step, syncopated rock-recovers: 25-26 Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight on LEFT, 27-28 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, step LEFT forward, &29&30 Rock/step RIGHT behind LEFT (on &), replace weight on LEFT, rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), replace weight on LEFT, &31&32 Rock/step RIGHT behind LEFT (on &), replace weight on LEFT, rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), replace weight on LEFT. Repeat ****** Transcribed: David Powell, 12th March, 2003.