Dance: Ambush Music: Ambush - Craig Giles [Ambush], medium b/m Choreographed by: Lorraine Deering; 10/2003 Description: 4 wall, 32 count, Upper beginner linedance Bridge/restart: 1 tag done 3 times Start: Feet together, weight on left foot Music can be obtained by contacting the artist by phone (Australia) 0408-597-307. * 1-8: Side, shimmy, together, clap, side, shimmy, together, clap: 1-2 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, shimmy shoulders, 3-4 Step LEFT together, hold & clap twice, 5-6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, shimmy shoulders, 7-8 Step LEFT together, hold & clap twice, * 9-16: Vine L & scuff, lock shuffles fwd x2: 1-4 Step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, scuff RIGHT forward, 5&6 Step RIGHT forward, lock LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, 7&8 Step LEFT forward, lock RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT forward, * 17-24: Rock fwd, recover, cha & spin R, rock fwd, recover, cha & spin L: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, 3&4 Cha-cha (R,L,R) & full turn RIGHT, 5-6 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, 7&8 Cha-cha (L,R,L) & full turn LEFT, * 25-32: Step, point, step, point, jazz-box & 1/4R: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, touch LEFT toe to LEFT side, 3-4 Step LEFT forward, touch RIGHT toe to RIGHT side, 5-8 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, step LEFT together, Repeat ****** Tags: At the beginning of walls 2, 4 & 6 add the following 4 beat tag: ---- 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, 3-4 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT. Formatted: 20th June, 2004.