Dance: 31st April Music: Coast Of Colorado - Barry Amato [Vintage], slow-medium b/m Choreographed by: John H. Robinson,; 5/2003 Description: 2 wall, 32 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: none Start: Feet together, weight on left foot. 16 count intro * 1-9: Side, sailor, sailor & 1/4R, shuffle fwd & spin R, lunge, recover & kick: 1 Large step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 2&3 Step ball of LEFT foot behind RIGHT, recover weight onto RIGHT, large step LEFT to LEFT side, 4&5 Step ball of RIGHT foot behind LEFT, recover weight onto LEFT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side & 1/4 turn RIGHT, [3:00] 6&7 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT foot back, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT foot forward, step LEFT step forward, [The turn will travel towards the 3:00 wall. Easy option: Shuffle forward (L,R,L)] 8-1 Rock/press ball of RIGHT foot forward in a slight lunge, recover weight onto LEFT & low kick RIGHT forward, [3:00] * 10-17: Back, back, coaster, step-ball x3 & full turn, ronde: 2-3 Drag RIGHT toe & step RIGHT back, drag LEFT toe & step LEFT back, 4&5 Step ball of RIGHT foot back, step ball of LEFT foot next to RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, 6&7& Step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/4 turn LEFT, small step RIGHT forward & 1/4 turn LEFT (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT, small step RIGHT forward & 1/4 turn LEFT (on &), 8&1 Cross LEFT over RIGHT, small step RIGHT forward & 1/4 turn LEFT (on &), raise LEFT foot & sweep forward & out in a 1/2 circle to the LEFT, [3:00] * 18-25: Sailorx2, hips x2, lock-shuffle fwd: 2&3 Cross ball of LEFT foot behind RIGHT, recover weight onto RIGHT, large step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, 4&5 Cross ball of RIGHT foot behind LEFT, recover weight onto LEFT, large step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal, 6-7 Small step LEFT forward & sway hips forward to the LEFT, sway hips back to the RIGHT (weight on RIGHT foot), 8&1 Step LEFT forward, lock RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT forward, [3:00] * 26-32: Rock, recover, shuffle back & 5/4R & hitch, hip-sways, ball-cross: 2-3 Rock/step ball of RIGHT foot forward, recover weight onto LEFT, [3:00] 4&5 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT foot forward, [9:00] make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT foot back, [3:00] make 1/4 turn RIGHT & hitch RIGHT knee, [6:00] (tucking RIGHT foot close to LEFT calf in a figure 4), [Easy option: 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT over RIGHT, hitch RIGHT] 6-7 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side & sway hips RIGHT, sway hips LEFT, 8& Step RIGHT to RIGHT side & slightly back, cross LEFT over RIGHT (on &). [Count 1 of the dance forms a cross-shuffle with 8&] Repeat ****** Finish: At the end of the track, you'll finish on the hitch (count 5) ------ in the fourth set of 8, facing the back wall. Formatted: David Powell, 24th February, 2004.