(Former) Plumpton Primary School

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Photograph (c) Blacktown City Council

Built 1890. Located at 327 Rooty Hill Road North, Plumpton.

The school was established in 1875 as Rooty Hill Public School with 40 students. The heritage building dates to 1890 when the school was renamed Woodstock, after the then recently established Woodstock Cannery. It was renamed Plumpton Public School in 1907.

In 1990 the school moved to a newly built establishment on nearby Bottles Road. The 'Woodstock' site now houses a special needs school, "Plumpton House".

A typical small brick school building built to a style used commonly during the late 19th century.

Plumpton Primary School was the first school to educate Aboriginal and European students together, a very important step in education. The school has had some famous students - among them Douglas Mawson and atist Joyce Abbott.

NSW Heritage Office Website, http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au
Plumpton Public School, http://www.plumpton-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/
Classmate, 150 years of Public Edication in Western Sydney, http://ink.news.com.au/classmate/classact/150years_pub_ed.htm