The Manse

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Photograph (c) Blacktown City Council, 1995

The Manse, prior to restoration, 2007
© Blacktown Advocate, 2008
Built in the 1880's. Located at 23 The Avenue, Mount Druitt. Also known as the Methodist Manse.

The Manse was built in the 1880s by John Harris. At the May 1881 auction of the Mount Druitt Estate the land where The Manse was to be built (Section 2) was shown as vacant. It therefore post-dates the opening of Mount Druitt railway station, also in 1881, on the western line which had opened from Parramatta to Penrith in Jan 1863. John Harris, the builder, died in 1891. A construction date of 1885 has been advanced by several historians although hard evidence is lacking. The building's distinctly Georgian architecture no doubt invites speculation of 1830s construction however there would have been no point or purpose in building a 6 roomed house in that location in the midst of - well - nothing! The rearward extension of the house, providing a further 4 rooms, is responsible for the ungainly gable-end visible above the centre of the original building's ridge capping. The Federation styling of this extension is somewhat jarring, and a construction date sometime between 1906 and 1922 is suggested for the extension. Further minor additions and alterations occurred during the 20th century.

After Harris died in 1891 the house passed into the hands of the Kennedy family. The Kennedy's were devout Presbyterian's and when a new Presbyterian church was being built nearby and the minister lacked a residence, the Kennedy's donated the house to the church in 1895 for use as a parsonage - minister's residence. {One source suggests they were Methodists however George Nicolaidis of the Mt Druitt Hist. Society indicates they were Presbyterian}. After a split in the church, Blacktown Council bought the property in 2001. At that time it was rented out as a private residence. A number of the original furnishings including the fireplace and organ vanished during this time, no doubt stolen by the tenants. The house has suffered some deterioration in this time and was restored 2007-2008. Future use of the property is currently unknown.

A single storey brick house in rectangular plan with hipped roof and separately roofed verandah on two sides. The centrally placed small gable roof ventilator and replacement of the verandah floor are more recent modifications.

NSW Heritage Office Website,
Your Wedding,
Elliott Shiner Real Estate,
Personal Correspondence, Gerard Imer, Land Information Officer, Blacktown City Council, 14/11/2007. Quoting: "Fabric Significance Review and Schedule of Conservation Works - Property: "The Manse", 23 The Avenue, Mt Druitt", 6/2007, prepared by Graham Edds & Associates, Conservation Architects.
"Restoration of an Historic Gem", Blacktown Advocate, 20/2/2008.