The Estes/Eastes Email contacts page

If you want to see your details listed here, whether you go back to Nicholas (or Abraham, Matthew and Richard who emigrated to the US) or that you have a very elusive ancestor who seems to have either swum to the USA or hitched a ride on a UFO, then please send them to me and I'll put them up here. Also please notify me if your email address changes!

Submit you information in one of the following formats, if possible:

Note that this is not meant to be a comprehensive listing and some of the addresses may now be invalid - I wont be checking them, so if you find an expired address, let me know and I'll delete it. Entries are listed alphabetically by the submitter's name.

The following are researchers who are looking at similar names but are not connected to the Estes/Eastes family as far as is known:

The following is a list of Estes/Eastes researchers worldwide. The list is sorted alphabetically. Use the "find" option on your web browser or just read on down to find a common research interest.

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