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For the latest Born to Boogie news, check Margret's blog:

Next year we will be celebrating our 20th year in the Dance Industry, time flies when your having fun. We have begun preparations for a BIG event so if you know of anyone who has been a student or supporter of our socials, please pass the info on and keep looking on the webpage for further information.
We had a lot of fun last Saturday, our first social for the year and also our first social at Granville R.S.L. We had a chance to dance Cheeseburger with about 17 teams of 4 and everyone had a great laugh! A few of us stayed for dinner after the social and didn’t leave the club until 10pm. I am looking forward to our next social at Granville R.S.L. on Saturday 2nd July.
Roselea Community Hall
The new beginner class at Roselea Community Hall has proved very popular and if anyone wants to join the class you only need to turn up. The hall is HUGE so anyone wanting to attend is welcome 10am-11am every Thursday. It will be a free class and you need to register with Kim Harris: Community Development Officer, Hornsby Shire Council, 02-9847-6531, kharris@hornsby.nsw.gov.au.

Auction Table
Don’t forget that we hold our auction table on the first class of every month at all venues except Roselea.
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea
Constitution Hill Retirement Village held Australia Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser for its residents last Friday week and eleven dancers from my classes, generously, gave their time to perform, which was very well received by the residents and the staff. Thankyou again to those who attended. Photos will be on the website shortly for both the social and the performance.

See you soon, Regards, Margret

Happy New Year to Everyone!
It seems that 2010 flew and the New Year was months ago.  Our Linedancers and Rockers have had a great year of dancing and meeting new friends at our classes, socials and Festivals.

We have had a few changes to class times and venues since December so please check on your class before attending.Our Linedancers have already had a couple of warm up lessons during January and news of the support we have received for our Linedance classes has travelled and I have a brand new 1hr beginner class, subsidized by Hornsby Council, beginning on Monday 7th February at 9.45am.  For more information ring Kim on 98476531.  I must say that I am looking forward to getting back to a regular routine because sometimes I can't even remember what day it is!

We will all sadly miss our class at Georges Hall, which is now combined with Granville Youth & Community Centre and we hope to see most of the class attending at Granville on Tuesdays from 10.30am till 12.30pm.  I also look forward to seeing my old students at Granville again. 

Richard (my husband) and I, along with a few friends, visited the Parkes Elvis Festival for the first time this year and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, however we decided that white spandex should be banned from every male wardrobe.  Next year we hope to participate in the Parade.  This is a growing festival and if you get a chance we can certainly recommend it.

A few days after returning from Parkes I travelled to Tamworth with the same ladies who attended the Elvis Festival with us and we had a 'Girls Week Out' at the Tamworth Country Music Festival.  Richard and I have been going since 1996, however only the 2nd time I have gone without him.  We had fun....window shopping and did some serious shoe shopping, line dancing with Gordon Elliott, Peter Heath and Chris Watson and attended the Choreography competition at the Tennis Club.  I must congratulate Jackie McIlrick for her winning dance, I Don't, in the Easy Intermediate section and another of her dances was Jeremiah, which I personally liked a lot.

A few coming events for 2011...
* 2 July 2011 - Social at Granville R.S.L.  Saturday 12.30pm till 4.30pm
* 6 August 2011 - Social at Granville R.S.L.  Saturday 12.30pm till 4.30pm
* 3 September 2011 - Social at Granville R.S.L.  Saturday 12.30pm till 4.30pm
* 5 November 2011 - Social at Granville R.S.L.  Saturday 12.30pm till 4.30pm
* 3 December 2011 - Social at Granville R.S.L.  Saturday 12.30pm till 4.30pm
* 11 December 2011 - Chromefest at The Entrance -all weekend

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon............out on the dance floor of course.

With Christmas soon upon us we have a few special activities looming, please take note of the “special” class times for end of year classes. 
You will find information for the combined Christmas social on the 11th December, this social is open to everyone, you can bring friends and family and it would be very nice to meet a few more husbands and family, so please invite them to enjoy the afternoon also and several generous people have donated items to raffle.  As usual there is NO CHARGE for non-dancers.   As we will probably be expecting hot weather you may like to bring an electric fan and plenty of cold drinks.  By the way a little birdie has told me that the air-conditioning for Telopea and Ermington is happening soon!
Our last classes for the year will be held on Tuesday 14th December at Georges Hall, Wednesday 15th December at Ermington & Monday 20th December at Telopea.  You will find more information on the website, regarding classes to be held during the School holiday period, within the next few weeks.
The new 4 week course for Beginner dancers at Telopea is going very well.  The class has already learnt 3 dances and they’re co-ordination is improving although I don’t think they will up to Hot Tomales or Deep River for a little while yet!
At this time of the year we tend to look back on the year behind us, and most linedancers will be thinking “too many dances”.  I have persevered to only teach dances which have remained popular for many years or have been taught recently by a majority of instructors.  I hope that you find my classes satisfying and fun and go home feeling like you’ve worked hard (physically & mentally) but also enjoyed yourself, because that’s more important in keeping fit and healthy, rather that knowing the latest advanced dance with 3 restarts, 2 tags and 5 full spins!
Don’t forget that we only use a very small part of our brains and if we want to keep Ol’ Al (Alzheimers) away then we need to keep using it and also have a large social network.  If you are struggling to remember steps try to have a look at the dance sheet more often and even by walking the sequence through once every day for the week you will be surprised how much easier it will be when the instructor revised the dance the second week.  For those of you with foot pain I can highly recommend Epsom salt footbaths and my Osteopath (Tom Samels at Kings Park).
Those of you who can only get to one class per week and can’t dance at socials will be finding it more difficult and thinking “why can’t I remember like other more competent dancers”? 
Don’t forget that they are probably dancing a lot more often than you and if you can put in that little extra practise at home you will find it a lot easier and REMEMBER TO SMILE because no one will look at your feet only your beautiful smiling face!
If you are finishing the year earlier and travelling I wish you and your family a very joyful, peaceful and safe Christmas.
Regards to all of my wonderful, happy, kind and generous students and friends, Margret

Marlie Charity Social News
Hello to all,

Just a thank you on behalf of Marlie for your contribution to the Linedance Benefit which was held on Sunday 9th August.

It was a wonderful afternoon, lots of fun and people were very generous. Cheryls sister, Bev, and my other right hand, Shirley, decorated the auditorium with bright pink table runners, and beautiful pink and white balloons. Shirley also supervised and drew all the raffles and auctions, and delegated many other jobs to a team of volunteers. Thankyou again to all those people, especially Shirley, who contributed not only monetary donations, but their time (not to be overlooked-the Village People, the Purple Tails, the Shirley Temples and the Dancers in White.)

Prior to the event several other instructors, who couldn't make the day and also myself, held several raffles and took donations at our classes. Many thanks to those who contributed. These donations totalled $741.10. 81 dancers paid $10 each to dance which totalled $810.00. Raffles and donations taken on the 9th totalled $1573.00. Grand total of $3124.10. Fabulous effort by all.

With gratitude, Margret and Richard (and Marlie)

Social Stuff...

We had a great weekend down south at Sussex Inlet on Saturday night (with the Mexican crowd). We were joined by many other instructors from Jervis Bay to Moruya, and my group of about 15 dacers, were very impressed to see how many instructors from down that way supported Jenny Lansburys' Mexican Night. We all dragged out tired legs to Laurels Slaters Sunday afternoon class and then into the Lounge of the Country Club afterwards for more rock n roll and linedancing (just what we didn't need). However, we are all looking forward to The Shoalhaven Linedancers annual social on 12th September.
We joined Barbara Hiles' group on Saturday 27th for her 6th birthday which was a very pleasant afternoon, and Barbara commented that we had people there whom she hadn't seen in ages. We even dragged out the old progressive circle dance "Wild Wild West"  ... and even had a few men in the circle and had a lot of laughs.

Birthday Lunches...
Our bi-monthly lunch at Bass Hill RSL was held on Friday 26th June to celebrate birthdays for Debbie, Peggy, Marissa, Vivianna, Darryl, Ken, Vivienne and Norma. Either the food is really great (yes it is) or these people are very poular-we had 25 for lunch from the Friday class.  Hope to see a few more turn up from other classes for the next one. See the socials page for further dates.

Welcome to all of my new students, its always encouraging to see new faces and I must congratulate the more experienced dancers in the class who are always happy to help out someone new and make them feel comfortable. I often get comments from new people at how friendly everyone is.  I know its difficult when you first join a class and I often feel guilty for not having the time to spend with new people, however, I know that other people in the class and doing a lot of public relations out there on my behalf and I thank them for that.

2008 in Review
2008  Has been a very satisfying year. Classes for Parramatta Council have been expanded and all students are progressing well. Telopea has remained an easy class and gives the dancers a good solid foundation to continue into my other intermediate classes if they wish. Granville has regular attendances because of the fee introduced recently, rather than people popping in and out willy nilly, which was disrupting and held the class back a bit. The Legacy dancers are in their 12th year and still look forward to their regular Tuesday morning dancing.  After so many years they are more like family. Our hall at Ermington is very comfortable and the class are now feeling at ease and learning some great old classics like Third Rock, Silk n Satin and Fly Like a Bird as well as newer ones such as Working for the Man and My New Life.
And...Georges Hall that's another story.  In 2001 I was invited to take over this class when the instructors, who after 7 years decided to retire from teaching.  Because the class is quite a distance from my home and began 9.00am Fridays I said I would help only until they could find a local instructor, which obviously never happened.  It wasn't fair, how could I NOT take such a wonderful class. The class is easy intermediate to intermediate plus level and we have lunch together at Bass Hill R.S.L. on the last Friday of the month bi-monthly.  
Many of my students from back in 1996 at Merrylands are still "strutting up" for classes (sometimes limping) and its good to see that that they are still loving the dances, especially some of the oldies. Shirley Hand, Cheryl Blacker, Janice Baker and Lee Billi (to name a few) have always been my very loyal, funloving and supportive team, on whom I can rely in times of need, such as the operation I had earlier in the year which put me out of action for a while. They keep things running smoothly and students can always ask them about just aout anything they need to know regarding classes and socials. Shirley has been away from a few classes this year and that's when you realise how much a person does, she's always doing something in the background and I don't always get a chance to acknowledge how much she really does to help me. She makes it look like I am the one who remembers all the birthdays and little things that make my classes so much fun and caring, but when Shirley is not around I am pulling my hair out.  It really is a team effort, thanks again Shirley.
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