PEVINGTON --------- Reproduction for the purpose of financial gain is prohibited. Redistribution of this material to a genealogical listing/service which resells or charges for access is also prohibited. This material is public domain, unless specified otherwise in the sources, and cannot, by international copyright law ("Intellectual Rights") be copyrighted by a third party. I make no claim regarding the accuracy of this chart; the original sources are not free from error and a degree of guesswork is involved in genealogy. Last revision: 02/2/1999 (c) David Powell, NOTE: This is a "point" file, that means I have only one individual with this surname (ie: a wife). I am only including information on the first generation in this file. For the rest of my line of descent from this person, see the file on her husband's surname. Reference numbers are denoted by [..]'s and are listed at the end. 21. John de Gobion, born 1352, County Essex.[1] Married Amabilia Pevington; c.1376.[1-3] Amabilia was born 1356, Pevington Manor, Kent,[2] and died 1405, Pevington Manor, Kent.[3] Children of John de Gobion and Amabilia Pevington: i. John de Gobion, born 1377, Essex, thence of Long Bennington, Kent.[4] Married unknown. Children: William (1416) of Westle Langdon, Essex.[5] * ii. Juliana de Gobion, born 1378, Essex.[6,7] [1] Ancestral File, v.4.17; LDS; AFN:KV2D-53 [2] Ancestral File, v.4.17; LDS; AFN:KV2D-68 [3] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0). References: F#:170676, P#:5, O#:40812 [4] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0). References: F#:177908, P#:758, O#:38032 [5] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0). [6] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0). References: F#:1760880 [7] Ancestral File, v.4.17; LDS; AFN:KV2D-9R