In an attempt to trace the ancestry and possible relatives of my ancestor, Henry Chamberlain of Norwich (born c.1620, died 1666), I have researched all Chamberlain's in the many parishes of Norwich, Co Norfolk, along with some neighbouring parishes, now part of 'Greater Norwich'. Included on the "Other Chamberlain's of Norwich" page are those families who settled in Norwich, having come from elsewhere, even if only for a single generation. This research is, of course, not complete. Apart from the restriction placed by the incomplete transcriptions available and missing parishes, there were a number of records, both ecclesiastical and secular, which I have not been able to be place into any of the trees listed on this site. Norwich Castle, oil painting, John Joseph Cotman (1814-1878) Reproduction for the purpose of financial gain is strictly prohibited. Redistribution of this material to a genealogical website or service which resells or charges for access is also prohibited. The source material is public domain, unless specified otherwise, and cannot, by international copyright law ("Intellectual Rights") be copyrighted by a third party. I make no claim regarding the accuracy of these charts; the original sources are not free from error and a degree of guesswork is involved in genealogy. © 2009, David Powell, roots-boots @ (remove the spaces), | Norwich's Medieval Parishes Map appearing on the Norwich Historic Churches Trust website |